
An astronomer based in Boston specialising in exoplanets, brown dwarfs and binary stars. 

The Universe is endlessly fascinating and inspiring, worthy of dedicating our lives to. It is our playground. We can express our intellect and creativity to contribute to painting its picture started by exceptional minds centuries ago. Astronomy connects people in a great and noble way.


Ján Šubjak was born in a small city in the northern part of Slovakia. Ján resided there until the age of 17, when he moved to the capital city to attend Comenius University. At the university, he got his BSc in physics and later his MSc in astrophysics, focusing on the photometric observations of exoplanets.

During his master´s studies, Ján developed a strong passion for astronomy, and after graduating, he decided to move to the Czech Republic to continue on this path. He started his PhD studies at Charles University and joined the Ondrejov exoplanet group at the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. His work focused on the spectroscopic and photometric characterisation of substellar companions to stars. He participated in several international collaborations and spent part of his studies at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias in the Canary Islands and the European Southern Observatory in Germany. Ján got his PhD in September of 2022, and his doctoral thesis was awarded the Jan Frič Prize. Earlier this year, he started a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Astrophysics l Harvard & Smithsonian, working on the LASTORIA project.

In his free time, he enjoys hiking with his friends, travelling, playing football and beach volleyball, practising photography, drawing, writing or playing chess. Ján is also active on Instagram, where he popularises astrophysics for Slovak and Czech people (@johnnysubjak).